Follow me and I will give you rest

Refined Motion
2 min readAug 8, 2021

When you have Jesus, you have certainty. When you accept Jesus, there is not a one who comes to Him that He’ll cast out. He will not only honor what you’ve done, He will walk beside you every step of the way. There will always be a battle because hey, there is is only a small segment of the population supporting Christianity proclaiming Jesus as the ONLY true reality that will be the way, truth, life and will get you into a positive eternity. When you choose not to serve Christ, but rather go your own way and contribute to building the ‘anti’ Christ way, then Jesus feels bad, but let’s you make your choice. Satan certainly isn’t going to mourn it. So, it really is up to you. I am glad I rededicated my life to Christ. I never knew I could feel such peace, even in the midst of a chaotic world, I never knew that I could live a life without me at the center or clouded in confusion. Once you see God for who He is, you become like Isaiah when He realized He was a man of unclean lips in the face of such an all powerful, all knowing God who controls the universe and all of history. And you bow down to Him and say, ‘here I am Lord, send me.’ Your life no longer becomes about you, but all about Him. It’s truly amazing. God bless you.



Refined Motion

In this journey, I seek to harmonize the complexities of life, much like a maestro conducting an orchestra of moments. #refined #word #motion